Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The past :)

Hey guys and girls.

Just getting involved with the blogging :)

 I have produced different media based products in the past in my own spare time and for college projects. I would just like to share with anyone doing the multimedia course the media based work I have produced. Some of the stuff I have produced is pretty ancient and other things are recent. I enjoy producing anything really from short films and poster campaigns to websites and many other things that i cant really think of right now ;)

Another thing the short film i have included in this blog, ignore the acting by myself and my mates as its pretty poor ha. this was the first short film i created in A/S Film Studies.

Let me know what you think, thanks

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

The beginning of Awesomeness!

I don’t really know where to begin with this so im just going to write random things that im excited about to do with the course and the fact that im in a completely different place which I am loving so far.

I am excited about learning new techniques to do with moving image and still image work, I have a passion to create and edit films and I also enjoy producing still images and manipulating them to create a meaning or purpose.

I have so much more to talk about and share but that will happen in good time :)