Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Interactive Space rationale

This assignment I found quite hard, I enjoyed the concept of creating something that was interactive and consisted of creating a story that allowed the audience to navigate through the story. However I found it hard to create my interactive space, it was the html coding that I didn’t enjoy because I didn’t understand it so well, I found it quite tedious and repetitive unfortunately. Before creating my interactive space i was inspired by an old PC game called ‘DOOM’. I thought because this assignment is about creating something interactive the best thing to create would be something that is like a computer game, which is why I was inspired by ‘DOOM’. My interactive space has a 1st person view perspective where you have to go through levels of a lift and defeat a different boss on each level in order to survive the game.   If I was to do this project again i would improve my work by taking better pictures for the interactive space, by using a better camera that would allow me give to take higher quality photos that would be more impressive and engaging for the audience. i would also add more depth to the game itself and create more levels for the interactive space to make it more entertaining. however I would find a way to shorten the interactive space but make it just as effective at entertaining the audience, for example I would remove images that didn’t have as much relevance to the story and insert pictures that contain more information from the picture that are displayed within the interactive space. I was most happy with the consistency and that it finally started to come together once I got the hang of the coding side of creating the interactive space.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

The one and only...... ONE SHOT FILM!!!!!!

This is my final one shot film edited by myself. I am really happy with the outcome and the effect it has on its intended audience. I think the music creates a build up insight to the one shot film that creates an intense, uncomfortable feeling, which leads onto the fear of what is going to happen in the story. The blood really stands out as it lays on the surface of snow on the ground. I wanted the audience to think for themselves and have their own imagination as the story begins, for example when the camera follows the blood trail no information is given which I wanted the audience to think and want to know what is happening and what is going to happen.  

Monday, 6 December 2010

Practice Attempt for the one shot film assignment!


Before making the final one shot film, me and my group created a practice one shot film (UN edited). The practice one shot film gave me the inspiration to produce something better that was more simple but effective and intense at the same time.

One shot film rationale :) 300 words ish......

For my third and final assignment in this first term, I was assigned to create a one shot film. I was given set rules when creating my one shot film. I really enjoyed this project because I’m most interested in the film aspect within media. The assignment was challenging from the set rules, this made the assignment fun and enjoyable because I had to create something that was quite difficult to produce. I had to create a film that was obviously entertaining however I was only allowed to film one shot that was only allowed one movement, this made it difficult to successfully entertain an audience. I am really happy with the outcome of my one shot film; I believe I am successful at engaging an audience from the use of conventions I have used from taking advantage of the genre I chose which was horror. I used a high contrast effect for the blood trail that stands out with the snow on the pathway. I think it was lucky to have snow on the day that I and my group decided to film. The snow fits in well with our story as it made the film look more effective and intense. The idea that I had for the film is really simple, I wanted to create a short horror film, so I thought the best thing to do is a first person shot following a blood trail to find a zombie eating a human. The zombie then notices the person following the trail and chases after the character that sees this horrific event. I used intense background music that builds up and glorifies the intensity of the events that occur in the film. If I had more time to film I would have retook the shot to get a smoother, flowing sequence.
Assignment rules:
·         You must use a tripod/camera support when shooting this film (i.e. not handheld)

·         The camera may either pan/zoom/crab or track only once

·         Title sequences and credits must be overlaid on to the image and included within the shot   if added during post production i.e. not on a black background or still shot.